Thursday, January 3, 2008

Just hanging

I haven't posted in a while, mostly due to the fact that I haven't had much going on, which explains the pictures below. McDonald's play place and Micah creating a polka dot apple. Anyways, New Years was pretty uneventful for me. We had my niece and nephew over and they played video games and we made homemade pizza together, which turned out great by the way. I had a notary job to do the next morning, so Micah and I went to bed together at eleven. It was kind of fun to have my little guy in bed with me for a little bit. He would lift his head to check on me every once in a while and then fell sound asleep.I have been fighting off this really annoying cold too. It is one that isn't bad enough to keep you in bed, but just kind of hangs on. I think I am in week three now. I have also had some morning sickness come back. That totally sucks and can I tell you, I have been having the scariest nightmares in my life. I have heard that is part of being pregnant and I have to say it is probably worse than the morning sickness! Others have said that they have the dreams about their baby being born and it is hairy or ugly or something like that, but I am having ones with mall shooters and my son in the hospital with diseases. I wake up in full panic mode. it is horrifying! I hope it passes soon because I honestly am afraid to go to sleep at night sometimes because of it. Did anyone else go through this or is it just me?

Last thing I wanted to post is some goals for the new year. Not resolutions. Somehow, that word just doesn't work for me. I think it sets me up to break them all and forget it. I think if I use the word goal, I can work on it and not feel bad if I mess up a bit here and there.

1. Successfully get this child out of me and be able to adjust. I will need to figure out a schedule and hope that Micah will like this new kid too!
2. Try to enjoy the kid activities. I love my kid, but going to the park is a drag for me. All I do is follow after him to make sure he doesn't get hurt. I should have a more positive attitude towards it and maybe I will start to have more fun there.
3. Get Micah potty trained. Enough said.
4. Get the baby weight off. Hopefully this one will be as good to me as Micah was and I won't have to really work at it.
5. Be patient with my family and friends. I think that I am more patient with strangers sometimes and that is sad. I need it most with Micah because those terrible twos are about to kill me!
6. Not feel like I have to live up to other expectations. I need to remember I am only human and that I can only do my best. That's all I need to do.
7. Be consistent in my daily routines. I think if I have a pretty consistent schedule, it will make life a bit easier on me and my family.

Anyways, Happy New Year everyone. I hope this year is a great one!

7 Quick Thoughts:

Kristyn said...

Great goals. Number 7 is my biggest weakness too. I was thinking when you come down I won't be able to be in my pj's all morning. Or maybe I will. :) I just looked up from your post a while ago. I love it. I'm proud to say I think we have similar tastes. But mine are dreams and you make it happen. I love your table in your apt. Anyway, know of a site to find a diaper bag? I'm on the hunt and finding nuthin'. Kay bye.

Sarah said...

You should have come over and hung out with was Aaron's birthday!! We were pretty uneventufl ourselves. We watched a movie and played the WII. Where is Chad? Those sound like good goals. I've found when you say them to someone else, you tend to stick with it more, cause you know that people know, you know? DId that make sense?

SUMMER said...

Great resolutions! The potty training thing will come and go before you know it. I so remember being in your shoes and picturing Haven on dates at 16 with her diaper on. Thought it would never happen! Happy New Year! Can't wait to see this baby girl that will join the family this year!

Chelle said...

Sorry about those dreams...tht is horrible! I dreamt more when I was prego, but not nightmares, good luck getting past that! Good job with the goals!

lauren said...

the weird dreams thing totally freaked me out too. except i had crazy dreams about x boyfriends? it totally freaked me out though. and im with you on the terrible two's and potty training. sometimes it's all i can do to keep myself from strangling her with her little attitude! ahhh. im sorry you dont feel well.

The Bradys said...

hahah she is dating him, they are just freinds... she would freak if she thought someone thought that hahhaha

Janice said...

Oh, I am having those vivid dreams too! It is awful when you wake up and still feel like it is real! Good job on the goals..I still need to set some. I too like the word goals beter than resolutions..Happy New Year~