Monday, February 25, 2008

The ups and downs of life

To be honest, I have hated this pregnancy. In fact, I think the only way I would have another child at this point is if I got pregnant on accident. I have been SO sick with this child that it has taken a toll on me both mentally and physically. It has sucked a lot of the joy out of having another child. With Micah, I was always excited to find new things to get him and I enjoyed nesting and preparing his crib, etc. With this one, I am too sick to do any of it. Shopping is far and few in between. I might have to turn to the internet to get the rest of the things I need. Luckily I have a supportive husband, family and even kid. The last couple of days I have had a lot of morning sickness. Yesterday I knew I had to make it to church to help in nursery. I thought if I took a shower I would feel better. I got in and even shaved my legs (hello, it's been so long!) and I was excited to wear the new top my mom got me. When I got out of the shower I was still feeling pretty crumby, so I laid down in bed for a minute. I started to doze and my little man crawls in bed with me and stares at me. Then he says "Psst. Mommy, are you OK? Mommy, you sleepin?" He was very concerned. He laid there with me and I fell asleep. My sweet husband put Micah down for his nap and let me sleep it off. I woke up just before I was supposed to be in nursery and freaked out. Luckily, Chad was a trooper and got himself dressed and ready and headed off to church to replace me in nursery while Micah and I stayed behind to nap. Thanks babe!

I finally called today to find out about the diabetes test. They had just gotten the results today and it turns out everything is fine. Thank goodness! As for names, I am still trying to get Brooklyn. I love that name. Chad is starting to warm up to it, but still thinks it is the ghetto. He decided to look it up on Wikipedia. It didn't really sway him much, but he said that the next Grand Theft Auto game is filmed in Brooklyn and once he has played it and can take a look around, then he will decide. That will be an interesting story to tell he one day! Your dad and I were finally able to agree on your name when he got this video game... Until then, our runner up is Callie. I like it, but I don't love it for two reasons. My niece told me it sounds like callus and whenever I see a name that ends in "ie", it doesn't seem like a complete name. I would like to end it with an "ey", but don't know if that would make it harder for others to spell. Maybe we should just have our favorites on hand at the hospital and decide when we see her.

I thought I would add this picture in because I thought it was funny. This is how Micah sets up himself for a nightly movie. We change him into pajamas and as soon as the movie is on, he wants to be under the covers with his head resting on the side while he watches the movie that he chose. He is so funny!

8 Quick Thoughts:

The Bradys said...

yay! im glad everything is fine!! and im sorry about morning sickness.. those girls take a toll on ya man! i still love brookelyn. I have a friend named Caley but with an "ey". Cute name... names are tuff... we could never agree on anything! micah is getting so big i cant believe it! too cute!

Chelle said...

I'm so glad you don't have diabetes! I'm sorry you're so sick. I still can't forget the torture of it all & still have no desire to have a second. I am such a bad mormon :):) I do want more than one kid, but can't i just get a six month old? I have never thought of Brooklyn as a ghetto always sounds so cute!

Brooke and Aaron said...

Rachel, sorry this pregnancy has been so miserable. That probably also makes it feel longer too. If you're ever up to doing something, give me a call. Maybe going out somewhere with the kids will help to take your mind off of it. Only if you feel up to going though. Just let me know. That's really cute about Chad covering for you in nursery! He's a brave man! Maybe he'll teach your part of Music Makers this week?! :) I always stress about the weeks I have to teach. It's so much more enjoyable for me when I don't have to prepare anything for that week. I am glad that we can do that and that you kept Micah in. Emma really looks forward to going!

Kristyn said...

Ah, and I always hear it gets better in the second trimester! I guess not for everyone! Hope you feel better babe! I'll be thinking about you!

Russ and Debbie said...

Rach, I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling sick again! Let me know if you need anything! I'm just a short car ride away!

Sarah said...

Yeah for no diabetes, but nay for the morning sickness!! Sorry you are not feeling it. It's so nice that you have Chad and Micah. Austin's brother named their little girl Brooklyn and she is super cute, so I don't think it's ghetto!!

ashley said...

why do guys get to have imput on the names? you are the one carrying the little runt, haing nasty morning sickness and worrying cause your dr lags and didn't get test results back for forever, so i think that you should get to name her whatever you want. and brooklyn is a great name.

Valley Girl said...

Oh I am so glad that everything is a-ok!!! And I am super happy that your sweeties are taking such good care of you!
Hope you feel better soon!!!
I am coming for a visit next week, if we can all stay healthy...I can't wait to see your baby bump!!!