Saturday, April 30, 2011

I've got an addiction...'s the white stuff. I love it too much! Sugar is my love and my enemy. I LOVE LOVE LOVE sweets! The problem is, they don't LOVE LOVE LOVE me back, unless you count cellulite as a show of affection of course. Well, their little show of affection is not so cute on the beach and beyond the cosmetics, though, it's just not good for me. I know that the short burst of energy I get from it won't last long and I end up crashing soon after and then begin to search for more. It's a vicious cycle...are you picturing Big Fat Bastard from Austin Powers right now, 'cuz I am! Anyways, my other addiction is sugars mortal enemy: fake sugar! I always have it in the form of diet sodas. I don't normally buy it for myself or order it, but while I work, the kid I tutor always has a stream of soda going in and he brings me one too. Great, now I have two bad addictions. Hi, my name is Rachel and I am a sugar and fake sugar addict! Anyways, I think I have to break this cycle. What am I going to do when I hit my 3 o'clock lull? Not sure yet. I'm going to try and knock both of these nasties out of my diet in the week. Wish me luck and feel free to send me tips on how you avoid sugar!

2 Quick Thoughts:

Ali said...

I have a friend that recently did a 40 day no sugar trial...she wouldn't even eat regular pasta cause it had sugar in it- I thought that was a little over the top, but nonetheless- she said it helped her to have those dessert gums after dinner at night and it gave her a bit of a fix...of course, that's fake sugar, but I don't are brave- I don't think I could do it!! It's a great way to detox though- good luck!

Carrie Braunalicious said...

You and me both sister! Sugar is just way too yum. I can't deal wth fake sugar, and can't afford the calories in regular, so I've started drinking sparkly water instead. Lime flavored from TJ's is good- still the carbonation but no sugar.