Wednesday, January 18, 2012


 We have been up to this and that.  Tea parties at home.
 Dinners at Grandma and Papas.  Here are all the grandkids with Uncle Brett and Aunt Michele.
 I did a project from Pinterest.  I got a box spring for B's bed and covered it with some fun fabric.  Ta da!
 I got myself some fun shoes.  It's a big deal for me.  I don't buy for myself often.  Usually it is the kids with a great pair of shoes!
 We have been playing with our scooters and falling down on them too!  This girl fell hardcore and did a scorpion (aka fall on your face and your feet nearly touch your head).  I was so impressed that I forgot to give her sympathy and I was telling her I needed to take her picture with all the dirt on it.  She got over it pretty quick!
 We celebrated MLK weekend our way.  We slept in.  This is what I woke up to that morning.  I love that they love to snuggle!
We got out and about and even made a trip to the LB Ruby's.  The kids love Ruby's!

I have not been much of a blogger lately.  Life has been hectic for us.  I am trying to find my way through some of this.  We recently saw a doctor that diagnosed Micah as ADHD.  Now, I know that it might seem like I am sharing too much, but I have my reasons.  First off, I know that those of you who read this are my family and friends.  I am looking for advice or information on how to handle this.  I want to be as informed as possible.  Right now, it feels very foreign to me.  At the same time I am really needing to find something that helps.  It is so sad to hear him pray for help controlling his body every day.  Secondly, I am hoping that at least one other person will stumble upon this one day and feel like they can learn something from me.  Maybe they are thinking or feeling the same way and won't feel alone in it anymore.  I also want to make sure people don't read my blog and think things in life are always sunny.  It isn't for anyone.  Some choose to write only about the good things and that is great, but I like to write about the good and bad so people can relate to me and the craziness of life.  Believe me, it is crazy, but it is also fun and full of surprises.  

2 Quick Thoughts:

Brynn said...

Sorry about Micah! I am sure it would help to talk to other parents that deal with the same thing. I don't know much about ADHD but I know there are worse things. You guys will figure it out :) Miss you! Park next week?

Ali said...

You are very real about what you share and I like it! Thanks for keeping it real. I hope you find some insight and friends that get you comfortable with the idea and how you feel best handling it. I imagine it's so hard cause there are so many opinions and so much information out there. I'll share what I know (and it isn't much), but I have a nephew that was diagnosed and although it was super hard to make the decision to put him on medication, after much research and talking to many people, my sister ended up doing it and it has made a world of difference. It doesn't erase their personalities or anything like some might say, it just helps them have more control. I'll say a prayer that you guys can figure out solutions that you're comfortable with!