Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The baby blues...

...sucks! I am having a hard time adjusting to two. Brooklyn is only happy when she is eating or sleeping, so she is constantly nursing. She uses me as a pacifier. As much as I don't want to admit this at the age of 25, I need my mommy and she is in Hawaii right now. Chad is supposed to go back to work tomorrow and my mom won't be here until Friday. Pray for me!

I wanted to add a picture or two of my little angel.

7 Quick Thoughts:

Mrs. Case said...

Prayer? Check.

Warm Fuzzies? Check.

Crossed Fingers for smooth sailing? Check.

Let me know if you want me to come over and help out, or bring you guys dinner, etc.

ashley said...

at least she is cute!

hope you make it till friday. it is hard at first... does she like to be in a front carrier or sling or swing????? have you tried different types of pacifiers?

good luck, it will get better!

Jennifer Dyal said...

Double the trouble... Well, it's definitely double the cuteness!!! You're kids are adorable. I love her hair! So fun.

AnnaMarie said...

Um, what about swaddling? Trevin loved it, Chase hated it. I realize it could go either way. Will she take a binki? I wish I could give you a break. I hate that desperation. From the books I read I would suggest setting a pretty strict schedule of feeding every 2.5 or 3 hours, no sooner. That way she won't be crying because her tummy hurts from eating too much. The binki was my salvation with Trevin, but then Chase came along, didn't want swaddling or a binki, so I put him to sleep on his tummy. It was the only way I got any rest.

Becky and Ben said...

It is really hard. Just like with AnnaMarie's kids, my first loved being wrapped up like a burrito and loved the pacifier. Ross didn't like either. He loved the bouncy seat and the swing (we have 2 and he only liked 1 of them). I have the swing that cradles them side to side instead of front to back. That is the one he loved. Ross also loved sleeping on his tummy. So that is all I can say, but I know you'll make it to Friday! The worst is the first month and then it's smooth sailing after that.

Carrie Braunalicious said...

Aww, Rachel!!! That sucks! I'd be more than happy to come over and get some early practice with a crying baby :) and I'll even bring sushi! I'm calling you...

Anonymous said...

I love baby feet!