Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blog Peeves!

I love blogging now and I love reading others' blogs also. It is so fun to see what everyone is up to, but I have to say, it isn't always fun or easy to keep up or write comments. I use Google reader and it shows me which blogs have been updated, but those who don't use blogger, blogspot or type pad, I can't get an update on. Same goes for those who have a private blog. Don't get me wrong, I love you anyways, but I may not get around to reading your blog as often as I do others.

Another little annoyance...having to type in the word verification to leave a comment, which is on almost every blog. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten it wrong and have to sit there and figure out the new set of distorted letters. My last peeve? I can't get a cute blog background to work for the life of me! I am always checking out others' backgrounds and layouts and I am envious. I tried once to change it with Matie Kay, but it deleted all my widgets (everything on the left side of the screen) and I ended up spending hours putting it back together. So, my solution is to just stick with the blogger generic dots background. Boring, I know! If anyone knows how to change it (I will need the version for computer idiots) please let me know and I will be happy to change things up on this blog!

P.S. I changed my blog title to make it a bit more appropriate for our fam!

10 Quick Thoughts:

The Bradys said...

i hear u on the word verification! i hate that!!!!
and i love the new name, im updating it on my blog.... not to mention i need to put up my post on little brooklyn!! ( i always post about the new additions to the brady bunch of buddies!) look for it tomrorow cuz it will be there!!!

Katie Schultz said...

I agree with the word verifications, and If you have ever had to help an elderly person on the computer and they have to verify the word- forget about it. I went to I hope that is it... and it gives step by step directions on how to change the background, I am pretty blog retarded and I was able to follow their step by step directions
Good Luck

Mrs. Case said...

I can help you with getting a cool new layout but you must be forewarned that any time you use something other than Blogger, you are forced to re-enter your widgets (from my experience). If anyone knows how to save the widgets, I'd also like to know.

Brooke and Aaron said...

I'm glad Brooklyn's not a "half" Trotter anymore. I was wondering when you'd change that. :) The website Katie was telling you about is actually Hopefully it won't change your settings or widgits or whatever they're called.. if you change a background. Sarah and Austin are really good with blog stuff so you could probably ask them if you want. I have another blog peeve to add to your list...I hate the ones that say "Comments on this blog are restricted to team members".

The Bradys said...

ok so i used cutest blog on the block thing and it worked... piece of cake!! thanks to katie for posting about it!!!

Jennifer Dyal said...

Oooooooo.... I love the new look! Weird question: do you have to do the word verification on my blog? I have no idea.

SUMMER said...

I hate this too... Amen sister!

ashley said...

yeah, word verification sucks. i almost don't comment on those who have it!
new pics of the girlie please!!!!

Carrie Braunalicious said...

I LOVE the new blog name. And I totally hear you on the difficulty of finding cute new blog templates- but I love the one you picked!

Chelle said...

Word verification does suck, but I've been thinking of adding it, because I've gotten some random weird comments. One was in another language! Weirdness.