I'm not! The other week we had a massive blackout. It took out our area, all of San Diego, some of Arizona and even parts of northern Mexico. The power was out for about 12 hours. In that time, we realized we are NOT ready for an emergency. We had to head north for dinner that night. So did everyone else and we got home at 9 pm! From there, we had to have Brooklyn stomp her feet to give us light to walk in. Thank you Twinkle Toes! I got a few candles up and running and we went to grab a flashlight only to find out the only working flashlight actually acted like a strobe light. Awesome! Don't worry, we survived.
It wasn't bad, but I think it could have been easier if we were better prepared. It is easy to brush things like this aside when you have little kids because they take up so much time, money and energy. I realize that if I am investing this much effort into my family, I need to be able to protect them in an emergency, so I started making a list of what to get. So far I have:
-clean out the hall closet to have a central location for emergency kit
-put in grab 'n go bags with emergency documents
-buy new flashlights
-have an emergency bag in the car: blankets, bandages, clothes, snacks and water
-have a $20 in the glove box at all times
-get $100 in $1's to stash (I was told that in an emergency, people won't make change for you, so you better have the exact amount)
-solar chargers for cell phones
-First Aid kit
-work on food storage by buying one or two more items more at a time
That is all I have so far. I am new to this though, so I would love any advice. Hopefully, we will never have to use any of this, but it seems like natural disasters are going on around us all the time. It's better to be safe than sorry, right?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Are you ready?
The latest by The Trotter Family at 8:28 AM 3 Quick Thoughts
Thursday, September 15, 2011
More Random Thoughts
First off, I have to wish a happy late b-day to Chad! He just hit the last year of his 20's. We celebrated with just our little fam, a few gifts and red velvet cake. Micah was explaining to me today that Chad is getting closer to 100. I asked him what we were going to do with dad when he was 100 and he said "I think I am going to be in college or something then." I guess we can't count on Micah to take care of us in our old age. Time to suck up to Brooklyn!
Speaking of Brooklyn, I have been falling in love with this little girl. If anyone has read much of my blog at all, you would know that B and I have a love hate relationship. I love her, but she and I have not gotten along well. I know that has to sound weird to say about a three year old, but truly she has been a challenge. With Micah in school for full days, things have changed. We get to cuddle and run errands together and just hang out. She is a totally different kid when she is alone. It is like she doesn't have to fight for attention, so she is a dream. I love to hear her chat away and talk about all the things she is seeing. I am just loving it!
I have been a bad blogger lately. I haven't been writing or reading many and it shows. Sadly, the last two posts have no comments and I deserve it. Sorry. If anyone could do me a favor and write a little something in those post, it will help me to 1) not feel like a loser and 2) motivate me to write a little more often.
I don't want to speak too soon, but I am feeling so serene these days. Sounds cheesy, right? I feel like most of my twenties have been kind of crazy. Trying to figure out life and the ups and downs. A lot of it has been trying to figure out motherhood. I definitely was comparing myself to some imaginary perfect mother who cooks, cleans, sews, and adores every moment with her kids. I don't know where I got the idea that I had to be Polly Perfect, but I found myself disappointed with myself day after day and getting frustrated that I wasn't loving and adoring every moment with my kids. I think I have gotten a better grip on the reality of the situation. For one, I got some great advice. I told an old friend that I was struggling with my happiness in being a mom. She told me that every mom has felt that way at one time or another and if they say they didn't they were lying. Motherhood is the hardest thing you will ever experience, but by far the most rewarding. My favorite part is that she said people that don't ever have children and experience all these highs and lows are like flowers that never bloom. They never reach their full potential. I loved that! I'm blooming! Ha ha. The other thing that has helped is reading this book:
This is such a great book. If anyone needs a boost to feel more positive (because a positive attitude is priceless) I highly recommend this book. It goes over different stories and views on how to see better days. The point is that you have to SEE good days. They aren't given to you, you have to LOOK for them. Duh, how did I miss that? Again, great read!
The latest by The Trotter Family at 9:08 PM 6 Quick Thoughts
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Go Yellow Lightning!
Micah was having fun.
The boys were playing against the Green Hornets.
Go Micah!
They tried, but lost and Micah knew it, so there were tears after the game. I don't know if Micah will be growing up playing soccer. For now though, I love he is doing it and that it creates teaching moments that I don't think I would have otherwise. He has to learn to play with a team, share, follow through, push himself and learn how to lose gracefully. He is such an awesome kid!
The latest by The Trotter Family at 11:27 PM 1 Quick Thoughts
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
First Day of 1st grade!
Today Micah went to his first day of 1st grade! We switched him to a charter school nearby and I am excited to see how it all goes. Getting up and out the door early is not our specialty, but we are going to be pros in no time! Here is my handsome guy.Brooklyn didn't want to be left out and insisted on picking out her outfit.
Here he is at school. Lined up and ready to go in!
Bye Micah...have a great year in 1st grade!
The latest by The Trotter Family at 10:09 AM 0 Quick Thoughts
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Our week in photos
This week have been hanging out in the park.
Brooklyn prefers the equipment that requires others to work while she sits and enjoys the ride. Surprised?
We have gotten Sno on the Go for FHE.
She posed for me. Surprised?
Chad was invited to go paddle boarding with a coworker and he brought Micah along. They got a close up of a sea lion!
Later the at night, I headed out to spend time with some old friends and Chad was on daddy duty. Instead of spending the evening inside, he decided it was time for an adventure. He packed up a picnic dinner and took the kids hiking.
There is an abandoned housing tract that has two gazebos on top of a hill they were trying to get to.
Micah discovered the right trail and even in sandals, they were excited to head up the hill.
There they had their picnic dinner with their Dad. Micah said this was his favorite adventure. I think Chad hit a home run with the kids!
The latest by The Trotter Family at 8:58 PM 1 Quick Thoughts
Friday, September 2, 2011
One less tooth to brush!
Yesterday Micah lost a tooth! It has been a long time since he has lost a tooth. These top two have been stubborn. I think it has to do with the accident he had a long time ago that they were lodged in a little tighter than they should be. Anyways, they are both so loose. One more than the other. He hasn't been biting with them for a long time and I finally told him that it was time to take it out. I was afraid he would swallow it in his sleep. It was a bit of a fight, but after I got a little tug, Micah took over and pulled it out himself! I think it helped that I bribed him with a new Hot Wheel. If you know him, that is as good as gold. Good job bud!
The latest by The Trotter Family at 12:04 PM 2 Quick Thoughts