Sunday, May 8, 2011

Moments of Motherhood

OK, so Mother's Day wasn't what I thought it would be this year. I got an awesome new sewing machine from my hubby (and kids), so that was a total bonus. The day itself was a little difficult. The kids didn't get the memo that they were supposed to be extra good today. Oh well, I still feel blessed to be a mom. For me, it isn't every moment of everyday. If you are that mom, I envy you. Most of my day consists of chores and "teaching moments" as I like to call them. There are a few gems here and there that I love. On days like today I like to remind myself of them. Here are some of the funny things they have been up to:

Brooklyn's newest saying is when I ask for something and she takes her time. I will finally get what I asked and say a curt "Thank you." This is when I get back, "For heaven's sake! That's how I feel!"

Micah is always full of it. On one of their busy days I told Chad in exasperation, "I need a girl's night out!" Micah popped in with, "Can I go too? I am kind of a girl. I have long hair in the back. Do they have bathrooms there?" Cracked me up!

We got Micah a car catalog that he was looking through at church. At one point I said, "Micah, I think you should put that down for now. We need to think about Jesus." He put it down for a little bit and then picked it back up again. "Micah." "I'm thinking about Jesus mom. What kind of car do you think Jesus would drive?"

I am glad they have these cute moments because both are in stages that are challenging our patience. Micah likes to do what he was told not to do, so he is getting a lot of things taken away and time outs. Brooklyn likes to cry about everything and I mean EVERYTHING. We are worn out by the end of the day. I am hoping that with patience and love and consistency, these stages will end soon and we will be in a stage where I can enjoy much more than a moment here and there. I love them! I do, they stretch me as a person to become much more and better than I ever could have been without them!

2 Quick Thoughts:

Carrie Braunalicious said...

Happy Mother's Day- I hope you know what an amazing mom I think you are and how much I've learned from you about patience and sacrifice from seeing you with your kids.

Ali said...

How creative he is!! What kind of car did Jesus drive:) Classic. Happy Mother's Day...even though it wasn't any less challenging---congrats on the sewing machine! Yippee!!