Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Totally Embarrassing!

Who's up for a laugh at my expense? I am! Here is a few things that have happened to me just in the last week.

I went to a wedding Saturday night. Near the end of the evening, Micah ran up to me and told me he needed to go to the bathroom. It was urgent, so I followed behind him while telling him which direction to go. Once we got to the door he ran right in and I followed behind. I stood near the door and saw a man in the stall with his little daughter on the potty. I thought 'Man that guy is pretty bold to be coming into the women's bathroom', but I knew him, so I didn't think much of it. Then I look over to Micah who is standing at the urinal. That is when I took a double take. He is at a urinal. Oh crap! "Am I in the men's room!?!" The guy starts to laugh and was said something like "Yeah, I was wondering what you were doing in here." I am so lame sometimes. Later I ran into the guy again as I was talking to his mom and he said, "She tried to look at my weenie!" It's a good thing I know him, otherwise I think I would have crawled under a rock!

This week, Micah is student of the week. Basically, he makes a poster about himself and is the main helper in the classroom for the week and gets to bring treats for the class at the end of the week. Anyways, he asked me to come in on Monday and I was there as they started to go over the poster. His teacher asked what his favorite food was. Hot dogs! Micah supplemented this information with, "They are just like weenies. You cook them and put it inside a bun with ketchup." Ahh, did he really just say that? Of course the kids caught on right away and the teacher was pretty quick to brush it off and move on. So on we went through the poster. More favorite things, what he wants to be when he grows up, etc. We are about half way through when Micah says, "Wait a second, I need to show you all a new dance move I have." Cut to Micah who is now undulating in the front of the class for no apparent reason other than the fact that he felt the need to educate his friends on the latest dance moves. He cracks me up! Don't know whether I should be proud of him for not caring what others think or be worried that he doesn't care enough. Oh well, he is young and life is easy now.

Last but not least, we have a quick tid bit from today. I was riding up the elevator at the mall with the kids. I was on the phone and there was one other couple and their baby with us. While I was talking I hear Micah ask the guy with us, "Does it smell like beef and cheese in here?" I was actually really grateful I was on the phone because I didn't know what to do or say, so I went on with my phone conversation and hoped that those people didn't feel self conscious about their odors as they left. Micah just really likes the movie Elf. Sorry elevator buddies!

4 Quick Thoughts:

Carrie Braunalicious said...

You are the best- and I love that Micah is so secure with himself! Means you've done a great job. And that bathroom story is hilarious. Kids are nothing if not humbling, right? :)

Ali said...

I've done the men's bathroom thing- but without a child with me...SO embarrassing. At least you have somewhat of an excuse! ...and I want to see Micah's dance moves! He sounds like he's the life of the party at school:)

Becky and Ben said...

Micah just cracks me up. I love when you share his funny stories. The bathroom story was too funny too. You and your family are so awesome!

Kristyn said...

hahahahahaha!! the dancing part was my favorite!!