Thursday, August 6, 2009

Balboa Island and so on...

OK, so I am about a week late getting this post up. Last Friday we made a quick trip out to Balboa Island with my friend Michelle and her two kids from my moms group. We met up at the ferry and Micah was so excited to get on!

Shelby was my helper for the day. I love that she can help me and also play with them as a buddy.
Micah loved the ride over. He loves the water and gawked at all the boats on the water.
Once we made it to the other side, we went to the Fun Zone, which is not as fun as I remembered it. Does anyone remember the Dark Scary Ride? It's now an office. How about the bumper cars? That is now a Nautical Museum...yawn. At least we had the carousel and Balboa bars of course! I have to say it was a little bit of a bust. Half of the island has lost it's power, so only a small area was up and running. It took us a while to find a place that we could even get a Balboa bar and Brooklyn was a bit of a pill. That was more my fault though. I am trying to transition her from two naps to one, so she was tired, which made her less than pleasant. She crashed HARD after that! Well, the kids had fun. They enjoyed the ferry, dessert for lunch, riding the carousel, watching the water, playing at the arcade, winning candy, etc. I need to learn to enjoy the little things in life the way they do. They teach me a lot.

I don't know if any of you think about this, but I do. I think I learn a lot about the nature of God as a parent. I think I hear a lot of the things that come out of my mouth are things that He is trying to teach me as well. When I hear myself saying things like "Stay close to me, I don't want you to get hurt here," or "Be kind, it's important," or "I love you so much, you have no idea!" and my favorite one by far which I hope He thinks of me with "I know she does naughty things sometimes, but she is just a baby and she is still learning." I feel like I learn so much as a person being a parent and learning patience, but also hearing the guidance that I give being a reflection of the guidance He gives me. Motherhood is a blessing and a challenge. Sometimes I want to throw in the towel and say I am done, but other times I can't get enough of my sweet kids who love and snuggle and tackle me. Sometimes it is just what I need to brighten my day and make my worries float out the window!

I have much more to talk and blog about, but I don't like to make my posts too long, so give me another day or two and I will be back on here with more!

7 Quick Thoughts:

Sarah said...

Do you love your stroller? I am thinking of getting it for this baby and then when the second comes along, I don't have to get another one, but I just wanted someone's opinion that actually has one! :) Thanks!

Tanya said...

that looked like a fun adventure. Sometimes at least for my kids just getting out and doing something different is the best trip ever. :)

Ryan and Laura said...

Amen to the parenting bit. I have been meaning to sit down and write almost the exact same thing but the thoughts are so long and connected that it would take forever. Looking at parenting that way definitely makes it least most of the time ;) Thanks for sharing.

Becky and Ben said...

I ponder the same thing as you often. I find thinking about that helps me deal with the stress of children and life in general. You gotta step back and see the bigger picture and don't get caught up in the moment (the bad moments I mean) in particular.

Mommy of three said...

Thanks for teaching me to reflect when times are challenging as a parent :)

ashley said...

parenting is the best cause it makes you realixe how much our father in heaven loves us. i love it! and your a great mom.

Carrie Braunalicious said...

I totally agree Rach. It's like having kids is God's way of teaching us that we have SO much to learn. And if we're tired at the end of the day with our little broods, can you imagine how He feels with all of us? Sheesh!
You're the best. Thanks for sharing.