Friday, April 4, 2008

How could you not know?

Last night I was laying in bed as my child kind of did her thing. She will turn and you see this big lump pass by or stick her feet under my ribs. Lately, she has tried to stretch out, so I can feel her pushing up against my ribs and against the opposite hip at the same time. It got me thinking about those women who go through an entire pregnancy and don't know they are pregnant. You can see them on talk shows every once in a while and they say something like "I went to the emergency room because I was having terrible stomach cramps and the doctor told me I was in labor!" How do not know you are pregnant? How can you feel everything going on inside and not think there is something really wrong? Seriously, I can understand them thinking morning sickness is a stomach flu, but what about the rest? Given, all of the women that I have seen tell this same story are large and you wouldn't be able to tell they were pregnant, but still! There are so many symptoms of pregnancy. How do you miss it? More importantly, how do you go from not knowing you are pregnant to bringing home an infant without a thing to take care of them?

3 Quick Thoughts:

The Bradys said...

i second that thought.... DENIAL!!!!!

Chelle said...

Seriously! I did read an artcle once where the woman had a history of severe cysts & just thought she needed another major surgery to remove a 20 pound mass...that kind of makes sense....but do masses roll around & kick you?

Mrs. Case said...

I think the women that claim not to know are suffering from some form of mental illness, though it might be mild.

I saw a lady on TV say the same thing, and when they questioned her about the baby moving around, she claimed she thought she had gas. Having never been pregnant I am not sure how similar the feelings are but I am highly skeptical.