Thursday, July 31, 2008

It was just a matter of time...

...before it would happen. You know when you have a boy you are bound to take a trip to the ER at one point or another. I was just hoping it would have been later. Well, last night Micah was upset about being brought back inside the house and went running out in the back yard and ran smack into the outdoor bar. It is lined in metal, so his head split right open. Chad grabbed him up and ran him into the shower since there was blood every where and I grabbed Brooklyn and dry clothes for him. We jumped in the car and I called my mom bawling like a baby. I didn't want him to have to be strapped down for stitches. I still remember being in that from when I was Micah's age. It was pretty traumatizing. My mom told me to pull it together and she met us at the hospital. We went to the "Emergency" Room. I put that in quotations because I believe the term is used loosely. My child had an open wound on his head and they let him sit in the waiting room for over a half hour, they didn't even clean the wound with any medications and didn't give him a tetanus shot either! Anyways, Micah was a trooper. He did better than I did. They were touching it and mopping up the wound and he didn't even flinch. I think he was distracted by all the buttons on the bed and Spongebob on the TV. They gave him a single staple to pull the skin together and they said it can be taken out in a week. We took him out for ice cream after that and put him to bed. I on the other hand was sick to my stomach thinking about the bill that is going to arrive from this trip to the ER. We just finished paying for having Brooklyn. Maybe we should start up an account with Saddleback! I think after all that has been going on (earthquake, leaks, injuries, etc.) I need a physical, emotional and financial break!

9 Quick Thoughts:

The Bradys said...

poor baby.... mine havent been there yet... knock on wood! sooo not fun! poor micah... but what a trooper!

Chad said...

Ah, the soothing power of Bill Cosby

Unknown said...

When I was little, I split my head open more times than the Chapel doors on Sunday! It happens, we survive, and then we have cool scars to show off ;)

Tanya said...

I am just waiting for the day, here. That is so scary. I am not good with lots of blood, luckily Chad was home. Your little Brooklyn is so cute. I have not seen any pics or anything of her, except on cindi's cell phone. Adorable...

The Burnetts said...

Rachel...! Oh no! I like to pretend that I would be level-headed and under control, but in reality, I would freak! Hope everyone is doing ok now! Please, let's do get together! I've been meaning to get in touch with you week sometime?!

Ali said...

What troopers (you and him) I dread those great accidents...but they have to happen someday! Be glad he's broken in and done his share, right? Now it's someone else's turn. It's hard to grow... :)

ashley said...

poor boy, but sound like he did great!

why do we freak so bad when we see blood on our own kids? i can handle anyone else, but when it's my kids i have to take a deep breath.

Katie Schultz said...

oh man, did this happen after my stitches- ER visit? Getting injured yourself is 1000x better than your child getting injured- you just feel to helpless

Russ and Debbie said...

oh my goodness! poor Micah! What a tropper! I'm suprised you didn't faint because of the blood and the stress of all of that.... YOU ARE TRUELY SUPER MOM!