Friday, February 26, 2010

Check ups!

I took the kids in to the doctor on Tuesday for check ups. It was supposed to be their well checks for 18 months and 4 years. Well, they are 21 months and nearly 5! I'm just not big on the well checks. Taking them in to have the doctor tell you they are perfectly healthy when you already knew that seems like a waste of a co-pay to me! Well let me just update you on the two, since I know you are all just dying to know (ha ha).

Brooklyn is 29 lbs. and in the 90%. That is a bit of a jump for her. She was in the 70-80% for a while, but must have had a growth spurt. I told the doctor that we are literally considering putting a lock on the fridge and pantry because she is constantly eating. He said that it all seems to be fine and that keeping her out and active is balancing it out. I am going to have to put her in sports soon with the appetite she has!
I also mentioned to the doctor that I thought she might be a bit behind on her speech, but wasn't all that worried since I know it is typical of the second child. He asked me how many words she was using. I told him 20-40. He said that is actually better than what is expected. I know I am not supposed to compare, but Micah was like super boy and was a big talker. Not only that, he was so clear that anyone could understand him. Brooklyn says things that only I can understand sometimes. Ever since that appointment I have noticed how much she tries to talk. She knows what she is talking about, I just need to translate a little better.
Emmo unnies=elmo undies
tsow=show (DVD)
My ya=Micah
...and the list goes on!

Micah is 49 lbs. and also in the 90%. What can I say, we have big kids! He is actually becoming more average. He was always in the 98%. Well, if you don't have a four year old, let me just tell you that the well check for that age is long. He was checked everywhere and even had to give a urine sample. Try doing that with a one year old on your hip! Anyways, he also needed his shots to get ready for kindergarten. Micah hasn't had any vaccines done yet, so I was a little worried. With what I know about vaccines, I choose to delay them. It's a personal choice, not to say that one way is right or wrong, I just feel that the vaccines are very strong and don't think that tiny bodies can metabolize them as well, so I wait. Anyways, he had four to do. I sat with him and held his hand and at first he was fine and then he just crumbled. It broke my heart! It must have hurt bad. I don't think I could have done this to them when they were babies even if I wanted to! I nearly started crying too. Poor kid. He recovered quickly though and got a new car as a reward for his bravery. I'm such a sucker for his tears!

2 Quick Thoughts:

Brooke and Aaron said...

My favorite word on Brooklyn's list is "My ya". That must sound so cute! I'm not looking forward to the Kindergarten check up either. Emma is 35 pounds, so we're kind of in a different boat. A couple of years ago her doctor was considering daily growth hormone shots. Thank goodness we didn't have to do that! The vaccines every year are bad enough. I've thought about getting a lock on our pantry too. For now, their snacks are up high! Anyway, I bet that was hard sitting through his shots. He definitely earned that new car! ;) Sounds like you took them in on the same day. Is that correct? Hope so. I've always tried to do that, but my new pediatrician won't schedule two siblings on the same day so I'll have to go twice in one week (once for Grace and once for Heidi). I'd rather just go and get it done in one day. Bummer. Oh well! Glad everyone at your house is happy and healthy! Miss you all!

The Bradys said...

Ya shots are no fun!!! I dont mind them getting them and hearing them cry, (lol such a bad mom) its the watching the needle go in that i cant do!! ughhhh cant do it. you do have some big kids man!! where does that come from?! mine are runts apparentely- Jacks almost six and he weighs 40lbs after 5 meals and with sopping wet clothes haha and Wyatt will hit 30 pounds under the same circumstances and he will be four in 4 months haha. Oh and Wyatt was the same way as brooklyn as far as speech goes, and Jack like Micah. Its only natural to compare dont worry haha I always call Wyatt my slow kid hahahaha well not to his face(again, bad mom! lol) Glad everyones healthy!!!