Sunday, February 28, 2010

Little Hiatus

I think I am going to take a break from blogging for a bit. There has just been a lot of drama around here. Emotions going high and low. It makes me want to take my little family and find a cave to live in for a while to just get away from the outside world. Rich people vacation and poor people hide. Anyways, I need a little time to regroup and get level headed again. There wouldn't be so much drama if I didn't love them so much. Their troubles become my troubles and their hurt becomes mine. I wish I could be a little more robotic and feel less, but I can't. I don't think I will ever feel less, I just need to learn how to handle it a little better. If you need me, I will be in my cave. Love, Rachel

7 Quick Thoughts:

Chelle said...

Awww..I'll miss your posts. Sorry you have drama! I get so sick of drama. Go have some fun & get out of your cave for little breaks :):)

Ryan and Laura said...

Can I join you? My whole family has been sick for about a week now and I'm kinda tired of it. Hope you're able to find whatever it is that will help you relax and focus. Wish I had some tips for you, but I know I get way too worked up too.

Sarah said...

Good luck regrouping, I totally feel the same way sometimes! You are such a good mom! :) I'll miss your posts, but look forward to when you blog again!

ashley said...

enjoy a little break, i do that all the time and if feels so good!

The Bradys said...

Hope everything gets back to normal soon! looking forward to you being back :) hang in there, if you need a little time outta your cave and maybe some park time gimme a call!

Brooke and Aaron said...

I'm with Sarah, I'll miss your posts, but I hope you have a great break so you can re-fuel. Hope everything is OK and that the drama subsides! Take a big breath!

Russ and Debbie said...

I'll make my cave next to yours and we can have frozen yogurt every once in a while! :) I think I'm heading into the cave now when I think of everything I need to do right now..... I haven't even started on packing.... this is going to be a long next week. :) Maybe I'll need the frozen yogurt break soon!