Saturday, May 10, 2008

Are you kidding me?

You can go ahead and take note of the time at which I am writing this blog. Yep, not quite four in the morning. Well, that is what happens when you have a wiggly two year old that gets into bed with you. I think I could have ignored that on its own, but with raging heartburn, there was no way I was going to sleep! I had no idea you could get heartburn from Krispy Kreme donuts. What can I say...I had a bad day and those little donuts made me feel a little better (for a very short while). I woke up around seven in the morning having contractions. They started at about twenty five minutes apart and by noon they were around thirteen minutes apart. I thought we were making progress and I would be off to the hospital soon. Wrong! They just suddenly stopped for no reason at all. I was pissed. I am convinced that I must have this amazing womb that my kids just like to stay in. Micah was four days late and now this one is too! Believe me, I have tried it all, walking, calf massages, greasy food (bad idea), squatting, etc. Seriously? Come on child! The hospital is still booked, so it is just a waiting game now. I am so annoyed. I don't want to make it through the weekend and as cheesy as it would be to have her on Mother's Day, I would be happy to have her out. Please just get out. Speaking of Mother's Day, I was going to make a little list of possible suggestions for Chad to go out and get me, but here is what I would really like for Mother's Day: The baby out with naming rights. That is it.

If I could have that I would be a very happy camper. However, he is still convinced that we need to hit a compromise with the name. We didn't compromise with Micah. Chad had picked that name out years before and loved it. Since it meant SO much to him, I let him have it and I was not thrilled with his name at all. In fact, the only thing I had to do with Micah's name was the spelling of his middle name. Chad wanted it to be Rion (as in Orion) since he was into constellations at the time. I changed it to Ryan. Now, I love it, but I think it is my turn. He may not be thrilled about my pick, but he will with time and he should be able to understand. I am still going into this with an opened mind though. If she looks like a Callie (which in my mind would have reddish or blond hair), then she will get the name Callie. If she looks like a Brooklyn (which I think would have dark hair), then she should get the name Brooklyn. Bottom line, I want her name to fit her. Anyways, it is now four in the morning and I should try and get some sleep. Who knows, maybe today or tomorrow? Keep your fingers crossed, if she doesn't come out soon I may give birth to a ten pounder!

8 Quick Thoughts:

Ali said...

I don't know how Chad has an arguement over this, you ARE convinced...and rightly so! I'm sorry this has taken so long! Soon though...right? I'll pray for it soon for you.

Russ and Debbie said...

wow! I can't believe she still hasn't come yet! Maybe she'll be a mothers day suprise! And yes, chad, rachel is right she should get name rights as a mothers day gift! I can't think of a better gift!

Chad said...

Rion was actually meant to be similar to Zion but whatever

Janice said...

I was sure you had her by now!! Keep trying!! I jogged from Trader joes to my parents house carrying a watermelon that I was craving and was in labor within an could try something similar??? Good luck!

Chelle said...

Oh no...I was sure you'd had her by now...I keep checking you blog every day & every day there is not post I think "oh good, she had the baby"...which is dumb because who posts every day? Anyways, I really think the name should go to you...taking turns naming sound fair to your pregnant & uncomfortable & going to have to go through labor! Good luck!

ashley said...

ah, sorry to hear that you ahve such a great womb. hope you have that girl soon. and yes, you deserve naming rights this time around....

Russ and Debbie said...

I had a crazy dream about you last night! I can't wait to tell you about it! I had to take you to Brazil, New York, California, England, and back to New York again to find you the perfect hospital to have your baby! All the time you were having contractions and we were trying to get you there as fast as possible. I almost had a heart attack! :) I can' t believe she still isn't here yet! Hopefully not too much longer!!!

Becky and Ben said...

Hey now. There is nothing wrong with 10 pounders! hehe I love my big babies, but then again I didn't have them naturally. I probably wouldn't have liked them as much then.