Monday, May 5, 2008

Quick update

So I just got back from the doctor and left with good news and bad. Good news: I lost another pound and I have dilated to a two. Bad news: We were going to schedule an induction, but the hospital is booked through Sunday! He asked if I wanted to go to another hospital, but we already paid Saddleback. They said they would call everyday to see if a spot opens up for me. I still have some hope, but needless to say, when I called Chad I was in tears over the thought of having to drag this out even longer. On the up side, we are going out for dinner tonight to make my day a little better. Here's hoping that this little girl decides to make her debut sooner than later!

6 Quick Thoughts:

Chelle said...

The hospital is booked? What happens if you naturally go into labor? That really sucks!!!! I remember when Kaleb was born, the next day they moved me to a geriatric unit because the labor & delivery area was so full & I couldn't leave him in the nursery over night. Maybe they should expand...

Ali said...

I hear the longer they stay in, the cuter they are...really! Hold to that thought and stay strong! I'm so sorry...

Brooke and Aaron said...

That's too bad. Hopefully this week goes by quickly for you!! We think about you constantly. When it warms up Emma would love to have Micah over to swim in her kiddy-pool.

Annalee said...

Good Luck Rachel--and let us know when you have exciting news!!

Kristyn said...

Are you serious? You poor thing. Wow, that hospital is like a high demand resort. Who knew you had to book so far in advance! Good luck these next few days and I hope something opens up. If not, then just enjoy the time you have with Micah all the more.

Mrs. Case said...

I was reading another woman's blog, and the doctor was telling her that her baby is expected to be more than NINE pounds and she wanted to be induced. Her doctor's response? "We like to let babies come then they're ready, not what's convenient." I personally would've switched doctors. My girlfriend tried telling her doctor that her baby was toob ig, arguing with him on her conception date trying to convince him it was time, etc. and he wouldn't budge. Her baby came out over ten pounds.

These aren't horror stories to frighten you, just letting you know you're not alone in your frustration. I'm sure Brooklyn will come out nice and petite in the very near future. :)