Monday, May 5, 2008

No baby yet!

OK, so I thought I would have her by now, but still no baby. My doctor said he would be able to schedule an induction if I haven't had her by today, so I am guessing that Tuesday or Wednesday I will have her. I have been asked so many times if I am excited and I have to say that I have a huge mix of emotions. I am excited to have her out because I am sure I will feel much more normal (i.e. no nausea, less emotional, no ribs being moved), but at the same time, I am scared to death! I know what to expect, so that makes me nervous. I know about the sleepless nights and nursing, etc. I know how much time and attention they need and I wonder how I will do that and take care of Micah too! I know about the post partum emotions and hope that I will be able to even out quickly. I think it goes beyond that too. I think about them growing up and worry about their needs and protecting them. I worry about everything! I just don't want to get so wrapped up in worrying for and about them that I forget to enjoy them at each age and stage. I think I need a spa day to get all the stress and anxiety out! If anyone has any comforting advice for me, I would love to hear it. I hope that I am just getting myself worried about nothing at all and find that having another won't be as hard or crazy as I am making it out to be!

7 Quick Thoughts:

ashley said...

rach- your gonna do fine! i think it is totally normal to have all these fears, but your gonna rise to the occasion. it's amazing how your mothing instincts just kick in and take over.
do you have a present for micah to give to him at the hospital once the baby is born that you can say is from her? a lot of people told me to do that, just a little something that will make him feel good about her.
also, give him some ownership- it's his little baby sister. let him help you as much as he can- things like getting diapers and wipes when you change her will make him feel part of it and important.
just a few things that people told me that really helped...good luck! hope to see some pics of a little girl soon!

Chelle said...

Rach, I hope everything goes well...of course I have no advice for having a second. Just remember how fast time flew with Micah & that even the post pardum time will pass quickly.

Kristyn said...

I keep checking your blog exepcting some news, but I guess I'll have to wait a little longer. You too! :) As far as advice, there's always . . . yeah, I got nothing. Good luck. You'll love it no doubt. Call me when you have her (if you can).

Becky and Ben said...

I would have to say that all kids are different. Brad wanted nothing to do with Ross when he was born. He always called the baby mommy's, and if daddy was holding Ross, he would tell him to give Ross to me. Brad didn't even care he existed. He never tried to pick him up and didn't want to help at first. It wasn't until a few months later, that Brad started throwing the fits because he started to realize the baby wasn't going away and he wanted attention. I just always made it a point to say, like "Ross is REALLY hungry. So let mommy feed him really quick and then we'll play a game or make a puzzle (just something he wanted to do)." And I made Ben play with Brad as much as possible since he wasn't getting as much mommy time during the day like he was used to. But that is how Brad was. Micah may react totally different. But either way, you know you will make it through it and Micah and your new baby will love you no matter what!

The Burnetts said...

Don't worry - of course, there's going to be some adjusting and sleepless nights, but I've heard from my brother and his wife (the king and queen of drama and stress) that two kids is way better than one. If they can do it, we certainly can! :) I hope all goes well this week - I'm so excited for you to finally be past this hard pregnancy! I'm sure in a couple of weeks, you'll be in to a routine and be just fine:) Good luck! Plus, I'm counting on you to let ME know that it's ok since you're first!

Brooke and Aaron said...

You'll be great!! You'll soon find a routine with the two kids. It's a balancing act sometimes, but it works out just fine and you'll love having two! I think Micah will love having a playmate. Even though she won't be able to "play with" Micah at first she'll love watching him and he'll probably like showing her his toys and all the cool things he can do. I shared many of your concerns before I had the 2nd one, but I soon realized that having Heidi was the best gift I could have ever given Emma, and it has been so wonderful to share our life with our two kids. You'll love it, really!

Katie Schultz said...

All very valid points. It will all just work out, my advise to you... and it sounds like you are doing it already is visualize and play through different scenarios in your mind- this is what i did in cross country and with Ruby.