Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Still waiting...

If you want to see a recent picture of me at my biggest, you can click on Coordinated Girl on the left side of my blog and scroll down to Baby Shower. Yep, I look pretty bizarre! It will all be over soon right? I have been trying to get labor going, but she is just too comfortable. I spent two hours walking around the mall yesterday and today I have been doing chores and squatting down as much as I can. I am having sporadic contractions, but nothing consistent yet. I am just hoping she is out before Mother's Day! Oh, I was just asking for advice from this mom's group that I belong to on how to get some labor going. One of the ladies linked me to this place, which has a salad that is famous for putting women into labor. It makes me wonder what is in the the salad. It could be the nastiest salad for all I care and I would have gone in a heartbeat if it wasn't in Studio City!

9 Quick Thoughts:

Mrs. Case said...

Polygamist hair!!! OMG. You are toooooo funny. I died laughing at my desk.

I need to see what's in this salad, too, LOL.

Email me so I can give you the link to my private blog. :)

Mrs. Case said...

P.S. I thought the pic of you from Carrie's shower was beautiful. You def have that glow about you and I think you look gorgeous! Truly.

Mrs. Case said...


This is the salad recipe:

The THE Salad© Half 6.69 Full 9.70
With Romaine, Watercress, Walnuts & Gorgonzola;
Balsamic Vinaigrette

Forgive the grammar error, it came straight from their website. The salad sounds totally average and non-special. In fact, I bet you could make it at home in mere minutes. I was unimpressed but hey, whatever works!

Chelle said...

Just don't get desperate and try castor oil...I'm sure Val told you all about that!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck

AnnaMarie said...

I understand your pain. I was crying waiting for both of mine. Trevin was 10 days late, Chase was 6 days late. I am hoping the next will be on time. My ribs were bruised, and I tried everything to get those little feet to leave them be. I can almost feel it just thinking about it. Come on baby girl!

AnnaMarie said...

My sister-in-law swears that a teeter-totter got her labor going. I searched everywhere for one when I was pregnant with Chase. It's worth a try right!

Kristyn said...

You had the baby now didn't you!

Carrie Braunalicious said...

You look way gorgeous- no one could believe you were more pregnant than I was at the shower- much less due any minute! Thank you so much for coming.
Can't wait to see meet the baby- and if you find anything that works for getting your labor going, be sure to share the love!