Thursday, May 15, 2008


Brooklyn Kate Trotter! She was born Wednesday the 14th at 4:01 pm and weighed in at a hefty 8 pounds 13 ounces. She is 19 and a half inches long. Let me tell you how it went and begin with a warning, this may be long-winded and deter some women from wanting children. So Tuesday night I went to bed late. Chad came in a bit later and began to massage my calves for some reason, which woke me up with a very painful contraction. Most of the rest of the night was shot for me because I was cramping up off and on throughout. I got up early Thursday and got ready to go in for my induction. Micah woke up early too, so I felt bad leaving him, but my mom was there to watch Sesame Street with him so he didn't mind waving goodbye.

Anyways, we got there at 7 am and they got me all hooked up only to find out I was already contracting (duh) and they started the pitocin an 8 am to help the contractions along. At 9:30 am the contractions were 2 to 3 minutes apart and I was ready for my epidural. Dr. Feelgood (as I like to call him) gave me the epidural and although I was really itchy from it, I was able to rest. At 10:30 am my water broke and I mean broke. There was fluid on the floor that needed to be mopped up. My nurse even called me Old Faithful! My doctor came by to check me at 12:30 pm and said I had another pocket of fluid to break, so another flood ensued. My water breaking seemed to stall my labor though because I was stuck at a three and the contractions were getting farther apart. They upped the pitocin, but it didn't seem to do much for a couple hours. Then around 3 pm, I began feeling the contractions. For some reason or another, my body decided to take labor seriously as the epidural stopped working. In twenty minutes, I went from a three to ten without pain medication. I cannot begin to describe the pain. Let's just say tears flowed and knuckles were white as I clutched Chad's hand. I think that is part of the reason why Chad gave me Brooklyn, he felt bad for me. I was running out of patience waiting for the doctor even though he did get there pretty fast, it felt like eternity. Just in time, the doctor suits up and in three pushes, this chubby little girl comes out! The nurses took her and were cleaning her and she was not a happy camper. She screamed for about thirty minutes straight. The doctor was working on getting me taken care of in the meantime. (Gross part to follow) He was tugging gently to get the placenta out and suddenly a huge gush of blood came out. It surprised everyone. The doctor was covered, the floor was splattered and even Chad got some on his clothes when he was a few feet away. Chad looked at me and said "Whoa, did you see that? It was like watching a rated R movie!" He cracks me up! Needless to say, we had to have the janitorial service come in to do some cleaning.

Anyways, we are both doing well. Brooklyn is a very good sleeper and eater. She will sleep for five hour blocks at a time and will nurse for two hours straight (not all that fun for me, but at least she is patient). She has a ton of hair, which I never expected to happen. I thought she would be a baldy like Micah. She is totally her own little person. She looks more like me than Micah did so they look totally different from each other. We love her and although we are pretty tired from the whole fiasco, we are getting to know her little personality and she seems to be quite the little sassy pants.

As for Micah's reaction to this new one, he was more interested in the toy that she brought him. He did say hi and gave her kisses and thanked her for the cool new toy. The nurses were so sweet with him and asked if he wanted to help with her first bath. He helped with her feet and hair. We got it on video, but it is long (maybe we can edit it). The best part was at the end when we were all saying what a good job he did and he comes running over to Chad and says "Chad, Chad I won!" I love that kid!

Edit by Chad: We'll put "real" photos up soon but here are some cell phone pictures in the mean time:

20 Quick Thoughts:

ashley said...

yea! finally. i am so glad you got your name, sound like you deserved it!
she is adorable- so much hair, and so small!

2 hours of nursing? youch, that first week of nursing sucks, literally!

good luck! and i will have a onesie in the mail soon, promise!

Ali said...

Aw, I'm so glad she's healthy, you're healthy, and all seemed to go well...besides the pushing with no epidural at one point- yowzers. Way to go woman! Have fun in the next few weeks getting to know this little sweets...I am looking forward to more pictures.

Annalee said...

Congratulations Rachel and Chad!! She is a beautiful little girl---I want to come over and see her sometime. I'm glad that in the end all is well.

Anonymous said...

After that pregnancy and story - you deserve the 'Mother of the Century' award! You are so amazing - and she is darling!!!


AnnaMarie said...

YEA! Congrats! So fun. Squish her once for me!

lauren said...

ahhh! she is adorable! yeah that she is finally out! congrats on getting your name too!!! sounds like you definatley deserve it. put some more pics of that beauty up!

The Nomadic Browns (Jessi's) said...

OH my gosh she is sooo sweet and Rach you look amazzing. Ah I am so glad Micha did so well with his new sis. Will see you soon

Brynn said...

Congrats Rachel! She is perfect! :) I am really happy for you and your family!!!

Chelle said...

She is so cute! I love that she already has little rolls, it's adorable!!! I can't beleive your epidural stopped working, I would have freaked!!! Call me if you want me to take Micah for a while.

Anonymous said...

Kellyn :)

Janice said...

Those cheeks are too cute!! She is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations to your family!!!

Valley Girl said...

Oh rach she is just lovely!!! I am dieing to meet her! I have some cute gifts for you....wish i could give them to you in person....
miss you...CONGRATS!!!!!
Brooklyn Kate...could there be a cuter name to go with that darling face??? I am soooo baby hungry!!! thanks a lot guys...your kids are too cute.

Carrie Braunalicious said...

I cannot get over how adorable she is. Congratulations to you, Chad and Micah on a beautiful and sassy addition to your family! Can't wait to introduce her to her new little best friend in a month or so!!!
BTW- you look amazing and I'm super jealous :)

Brooke and Aaron said...

I can't wait to meet this sassy girl. The delivery sounded really rough. I'm glad that you're both healthy though. We'll see you soon!!

Russ and Debbie said...

Wow.. you did a great job describing the "event." I can't believe you... you're amazing Rachel!!!! Congratulations again!

Katie Schultz said...

Oh how amazing. I love your delivery story and Chad's Rated R comment, so funny. She is so beautiful. You done good.

SUMMER said...

Beautiful little gal... you are so lucky!!!

Anonymous said...

Rachel and Chad and Micah:
She's gorgeous. Congratulations. Love,
Sis. Barlow

Kristyn said...

Like Carrie said, you look great! In my photos after labor I looked like crap. And the epidural stopped working?! You poor thing. I'm so glad it didn't last TOO much longer after that. And 2 hours of nursing - oh my! Good luck with the healing stage.

And you are so lucky she already sleeps for 5 hours at a time. Unheard of! And she's gorgeous, but you probably already knew that.

Becky and Ben said...

She is just beautiful! just like her mommy! I can't wait to see more pictures of her. I think babies look different after the first week of life. I'm so happy for you, though. And hearing your gross story makes my c-sections not seem so bad. Hope all is well. If you need something, please let me know.