Thursday, May 1, 2008

So spoiled!

So last night I had a second baby shower (yes, a second one!) thrown by my old ward. It was awesome and I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciated it. I haven't even been in that ward a whole year and the entire time I was up in nursery, so when they offered to throw me a shower, my first thought was Who will want to come? Not many people knew me in the ward unless they had a nursery kid. Anyways, they threw this shower and along with all that you see above, I also received many gift cards. I was opening gifts from people I had honestly never met or heard of! I could not believe the generosity. I feel so beyond spoiled and this kid will be well dressed for a long time to come!

I also had a doctor's appointment yesterday and I am still dilating and thinning, so progress is being made. I had a couple hours of false labor the other night, so I am glad it did something! Anyways, the doctor said if she doesn't come by Monday we will induce. It is so crazy that I am actually having another and so soon. It kind of seems like it isn't real yet. I am still concerned with how Micah will adapt, how I will manage and what this one will be like, not to mention trying to name her! I am still holding out hope for Brooklyn. I love that name! Anyways, wish me luck and hopefully the next post will be pictures of her and the story of her birth!

P.S. This is a random side note, but I just caught this kids show yesterday called Boohbah and it is like a cracked out version of Teletubbies. Very strange. It reminds me of the things I see when I am on laughing gas at the dentist. To top it off, their "bubble machine" looks like a giant bong! I don't think I will be allowing Micah to watch that show in the future. I don't want a druggy kid!

10 Quick Thoughts:

The Bradys said...

lol those weird characters are cracking me up! thats freaky!!!! and yes i hope yer next post is all about brooklyns arrival!!! so excited to see her!! keep me posted!

ps wyatt loves me hand me downs-thats all he wears having a big bro! so send em on his way! lol

Brooke and Aaron said...

I'm so sorry I missed the shower. I really wanted to go. We missed you at Music Class. Emma really missed Micah. Her and Luke talk about Micah ALL the time. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. You are so close! That's so exciting! We can't wait to meet her!

Russ and Debbie said...

Not too much longer! She is going to be one well-dressed little girl--- you and Chad better decide soon on the name or you'll be having a pretty big argument in the hospital! :) My vote is Brooklyn too! :)

Kristyn said...

Monday??? Wow! You're going to be a mommy time TWO!! And I can't believe I won't even see her probably till July. Tell her Aunt Kristyn says hi. :)

Carrie Braunalicious said...

Yay for the end of journey!!! We'd of course LOVE to see you on Sunday, but I TOTALLY understand. The last few days I've felt her drop and the pressure at times is unbelievable! So take care of you.
PS- I totally forgot to stop by for the book and sling- I'm lame. I'll give you a call tomorrow if you're feeling up to it :)

Janice said...

Getting so excited for you guys to add to your family! Yes, hopefully the next post will be pics of "Booklyn"

maude said...

hi rachel, this is allison ritchie, from high school [now allison trigg, actually] i've been reading your blog because of kristyn's. congrats on your beautiful family, and good luck with the new baby! just to let you know...brooklyn is a wonderful place. it's artistic, unique, historic, and totally cool. i love it there. my husband actually lived there for a long time before we got married. hope everything goes well. love, allison

maude said...

they don't smell good. :) let me know if you want to know anything more! i could go on and on...i was looking through my flickr to see if i had any pics of brooklyn, and this is the only one i could find:
...not very depictive, but at least you can see the pretty brownstones!

Becky and Ben said...

I am so jealous you're having a little girl! I want one so bad. I told myself I wasn't gonna have any more kids, but as soon as I see the pics of "Brooklyn", I'm sure I'll change my mind. I'm already on the fence.

Case said...

Hi Rachel! This Casie...Becky's roommate from the old dorms....I hope you remember me. Anyway, I saw your blog from Becky and annamarie's and I thought I would say hi. Your kid is adorable and good luck with the new one!!