Thursday, May 22, 2008

To the rescue!

I was so scared to take on both kids on my own for the first time yesterday. What can I say, it takes me a while to get used to change. Luckily, I have great friends who save the day. Brooke was an answer to prayers when she asked to have Micah over to play. I was able to run a ton of errands that needed to be done and get three loads of laundry washed, folded and put away. What a lifesaver she is! Thanks Brooke! Oh, and as a bonus, she made me cinnamon rolls that rock. I am doing it on my own today and feeling pretty confident. Hopefully, our trip out to the doctor and the park will go of without a hitch. I can't wait until my mom comes tomorrow! I will also have Chad on Monday to help out since he has the day off. Anyways, another thing that saved the day...the Boppy bouncer. That thing is great. I feed Brooklyn, swaddle her and stick her in it on vibrate and she dozes right off. Thank goodness for these wonderful inventions! I can't imagine surviving the infant stage without a lot of these modern conveniences.

As a funny side note, Chad and I are still calling Brooklyn "she" and "her" and "little girl" and so on. We got so used to doing that when I was pregnant to avoid conflict that it kind of stuck. Chad actually asked me something along the lines of "are you happy you got your name?" He asked because I didn't make a big deal of it at the hospital when he gave me the OK and I haven't been using her name much. I am a big believer in not being a sore winner, so I wasn't about to do a victory dance and make him feel bad or resent the name, so when I got the OK, I simply said "thank you, you made me very happy." Now, if I can just get around to using her name more often. I have to get used to it. It is kind of strange to give a brand new baby a name anyways, I think it takes time for them to grow into it!

4 Quick Thoughts:

The Bradys said...

Im sure micah off your hands was awesome!! Its amazing the little things people can do for you and it just makes a world of difference! O and for the record I would have been doing a victory dance lol so I think you handled it very well. And i totally agree about them having to grow into their name!

Ali said...

Ah, sweet Brooke....the Brooke I know? That is the best. I'm glad you are feeling better and got lots done. I'm sure you are a great Mom of two and the ultimate multi-tasker. I bet it's wierd to get used to at the beginnning though. Have fun with your Mom! Hooray!

Brooke and Aaron said...

You're too kind. It was the least I could do for you. We should have Micah over weekly. The kids loved it! I was going to go to the park today too but it was too cold. I know, I'm a chicken. Did you end up going? I love those vibrating chairs too. They are wonderful! Good luck with everything. Hope you're enjoying all the changes in your life. I know its hard sometimes, but it gets easier. Strange how the things that are so hard for us end up benefitting us too.

AnnaMarie said...

I am surprised at what you are undertaking!