Friday, March 20, 2009

The No Sugar Rule

I figured I'd make this post since Rachel probably doesn't want to look like the mean one.

Basically this is just a plea and an announcement to our friends and family that Micah is officially sugar free. Please (pretty please!) do not feed Micah anything with sucrose in it!

We have come to a very recent discovery that Micah is an absolute angel when he hasn't had anything artificially sweet, but literally five minutes after having a treat like a piece of candy or some cookies or ice cream, he flips on the Naughty Switch. It becomes very hard to get him to listen to instructions or be quiet or even look us in the face long enough for us to finish a sentence (his eyes keep darting around and he stands there bouncing). As I write this, 5 minutes before bed time, Micah is running laps around the car in the garage making loud screeching noises because one of his favorite and most dear relatives innocently gave him some soda around noon. Nine hours later and he's still wired!

So I hope that makes sense, especially to you parents out there. We love our little boy and we love when we can spend time with him without having to shout his name every couple of minutes as we go about our day. It is truly surprising how much sugar affects him, but now that we know better we would appreciate our loved ones supporting us in making our boy the best he can be. Thanks! Rachel should be back soon with a fun blog post, so stay tuned.

4 Quick Thoughts:

Chelle said...

Oh, yuck, that is so hard!!! Good for you for figuring it out & actually doing something about it! I know all the studies say sugar doesn't affect kids ("it's just the party environment"), but it really does hype them up! That being said, I'm really bad & still sugar Kaleb up alot.

Mrs. Case said...

I have a phenylketoneuric allergy so I can not have any FAKE sugar. So make sure people don't try and give him that as a substitute.

P.S. Despite being 27 years old I can't have any caffeine after noon without climbing the walls for 12 hours afterwards. Poor MIcah.

Mrs. Case said...
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Kellyn said...

I promise I won't be the one to give him any thing sweet.