Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Why 8?

Let me begin this one by tell you that I am not a bigot and I don't hate gay people since that is what people are assuming when you say Yes on 8. I actually have gay family members who I love dearly. That being said I am voting yes on 8. Here are a couple reasons why:
1. I am a Christian and I don't want to say one thing and do another. God has told us that homosexuality is not OK. He has also told us to love our neighbor. So, in short, love the sinner, not the sin. We must love them, but should not give our stamp of approval on the behavior.
2. If Prop 8 doesn't pass, churches will loose their tax exemption status. This means that the soup kitchens, homeless shelters and charitable programs they run will not be able to help as many people because some of that money will have to go towards taxes.
3. Marriage and homosexuality will have to be taught in schools if Prop 8 doesn't pass. When health and sex education come up, the teachers will have to discuss it. It is in their legislature. It was never taught to us because it was just assumed that people were married.
4. It is not eliminating rights to anyone. Their is equality between gay and straight couples, but their is a difference. Just as I have the same rights as a black man, 8 year old or 80 year old. We are different though because I cannot benefit from the United Negro College Fund, enroll in second grade or in AARP. We are just different and that is something we have to come to accept.
5. If Prop 8 doesn't pass, it could open up a can of worms. Who is to say that other groups wouldn't want to redefine marriage as something else. The polygamists many want to be able to be recognized as a valid marriage or the age of consent will change. Doesn't this leave us open to major moral issues?
I could go on with more reasons, but those are in the forefront of my mind. As for the president, I don't care much for either. We have a system set up that doesn't allow for any radical changes made by one person. The whole checks and balances things is good, but tends to make the president a bit of a puppet. Oh well, I hope things get better from here. As for your thoughts, feel free to leave a comment if you would like, but please be respectful. These are my thoughts and opinions. Lucky for both of us we have the rights to voice them in this great country. Please remember that as you exercise your right to vote today!

5 Quick Thoughts:

Tanya said...

well put.

Unknown said...

Amen sista!! I voted YES on 8 today and it felt so good. I love how you said love the sinner not the sin. Very well put. Rock the Vote baby

Mrs. Case said...

I am entirely underwhelmed by both candidates. Furthermore, at the end of the day I will be praying that no matter WHO is elected, he will be guided by God.

Roberta said...

Excellent!!! Very well said and I plan on using your words to explain my feelings next time. Love the sinner, not the sin.
Great Job Rachel!!! Roberta

Chelsea and Rusty said...
