Monday, February 23, 2009


This morning, when I finally got up around 10:00 a.m. I looked at Chad and said, "I feel like putting on some shoes and just running away for a while." This weekend was horrendous! I was thinking about posting an adoption ad for these two monsters, I mean, kids of mine. Let's see, I was still sick Saturday, but there is no such thing as a sick day for mom's, so I went ahead and started up the first of several loads of laundry in the morning. The first being the peed on sheets of course. Chad and Micah got out the door for gymnastics only come home an hour later in foul moods because Micah was not a good listener for the coach. I am so frustrated with his (lack of) listening skills . Near the afternoon, I was finally getting it all done when we decided to go outside. We skateboarded with daddy...

...and raced along side too!

That is where the kids got VERY dirty.

So even though I thought the laundry was done, I had another round to go now. We also had filthy kids, great, well that would have to wait because we had to make a Target run, where Micah was a major pain in the butt. He wanted to walk on his own and get a new car and be as loud and obnoxious as possible. I wish I could have spanked him right there in the middle of Target, but I am sure I would have made the evening news. I can just imagine the black and white surveillance video being shown with "South Orange County Mom loses it on her three year old in Target, more on that at ten." Did I mention that I had to cancel on a wedding shower, birthday party and host dinner all on that day to put up with the flu and this? Anyways, we head home and call it a night with Micah still being a pain in the butt. Brooklyn was trying to follow suit by waking up in the middle of the night and screaming like a banshee until we finally put her in bed with us where she tried to molest me most of the night. I finally grabbed a blanket in the middle of the night and headed for the couch. I got about three hours of sleep before Micah was up and asking to watch Spongebob. Yay!

So begins my Sunday...are you still reading, because today get really good. I know it's long, but hang in there. I was too sick to go to church, so we tried to take it easy. Not happening! Brooklyn had an explosion soon after waking and we were all going nuts by the middle of the day. Chad was saying "I feel like I am in a day care. We have been inside for so long and now I don't know what to do with them. We have to go somewhere." I was more than happy and this became the highlight of my weekend. I looked gross, but we all packed up and headed out. We went out to Monarch Bay and then up PCH through Laguna and into Newport. We decided to visit The Wedge. On our way we ran into a group of about nine mid-fourtyish people all on segways. Yes, they were in segway class and I was totally bummed I didn't have my camera to capture that one! We got there and walked on the beach a bit and watched the pelicans diving in the water and the sandpipers on the shore. Ah, peace. It was getting cold though, so we headed back to the car and that is when it started up again. Brooklyn decided she would scream for the car ride back to MV. We headed to my parents house where I handed them off. Bad idea. In the course of the next hour or two Micah managed to spill lemonade all over him, the chair and the floor, get soap all over the counter in the bathroom and find scissors to cut his band new Hurley shirt right in the middle! That was it, home we go as I was frazzled. Micah began to act up again (surprise) as Brooklyn was throwing a fit after we put her in her crib for the night. Finally, we had both down. I was so tired and was finally getting to close my eyes around 11:00 p.m. At about 1:30 a.m. I have a near heart attack when I open my eyes to have Chad hovering about six inches above me. In the back ground I hear Brooklyn screaming. "What do you want me to do?" I told him to let her cry and I tried to doze off again. An hour later she is still crying and I am pissed (Chad is in charge at night if he is awake playing video games). I tell him to check on her and that she shouldn't still be crying. She was in need of a major diaper change and then he lays her down with me. She isn't having it. She squirms and kicks and I finally get up with my blanket once again and leave. Chad tries to lay there with her, but she continues to cry and cry. Finally, I get up and grab a bottle and give it to Chad and tell him to do something about it (I'm really sweet in the middle of the night). He picks her up out of her crib and she was still upset, so he brings her to me on the couch where I feed her and I am on the verge of tears knowing by now that I had only three hours before Micah would be up asking for more Spongebob. Finally, three in the morning rolls around and I put her in her crib and she falls asleep. I fall asleep. In the morning I wake to Micah announcing that he has peed the bed yet again. In the craziness of the night before, Chad forgot to put his Pull-ups on him. So another load of peed on sheets begin in the laundry...

I know this has been a very long blog, but really it was a venting session for me. I had to get it all out. I think it helps me to forget it or maybe appreciate the good days more. Anyways, here is to a better week and remembering that this stage in life will pass with its good and bad. No kids up for adoption this week. They are pretty cute, so I think I will keep them!

P.S. Major brownie points go to Chad for letting me sleep in with Brooklyn, while he got up with Micah at the crack of dawn. Thanks babe!

11 Quick Thoughts:

Tanya said...

yuck. that does not sound like fun. You need a mommy break, spend the night at your mom's or something, lol.

Chelle said...

Segway class?!?!?! Awesome. Sorry your weekend sucked. I hope you feel better soon.

Janice said...

Oh, I want to laugh and cry for you over your weekend. We have those days all too often. We have the same rule at night... if kris is up playing video games, he gets the crying baby....isnt it funny how he NEVER hears and I have to yell down to him or take the baby to him? ;) Anyway, i hope your week is better than your weekend! Hang in there!

Chelsea and Rusty said...

I am so sorry you had a rough weekend, you need a break, next time I am down we should get together and spend a day relaxing...

Mommy of three said...

You and I need to go out, girl! I'm so with sorry that you are going through all that. It can only get better, right? :)

Sarah said...

OH man!! I hope you feel better soon, that will help the situation I'm sure :) I would totally take them if I were down there, for at least a couple of hours ;)

Katie Schultz said...

Yah for venting posts, some times as moms we just need to get if off our chest and it is so nice for other moms to see it is not just their kids. Hope you never have a crap weekend like that again

The Burnetts said...

Oh rach! You need a vacation! I hope this week is better! My mom always says, "good things and bad things are over quickly..." I try to remember that when I'm cleaning up poo-ed in underwear for the third time in a day :)

Becky and Ben said...

Man, that kind of weekend sounds vaguely familiar... I'm so sorry you had to do it sick. When I am sick and the kids are pushing my buttons, I have essentially no patience. I think I probably would have yelled at the kids and the hubby multiple times. hehe I hope things are going better for you now!

Brooke and Aaron said...

This sounds all too familiar. I've been under the weather too, and the kids have been rugrats the past three days. AAAHH! I guess what gets me through it is knowing that tomorrow's a new day (and hopefully a better one). Just when I think I can't take it anymore, I remind myself that there's a reason these children were sent to us and I want to do the best job that I can for Him and for my family. Hang in there. You are a GREAT mom!!!

The Bradys said...

o u poor thing! i hate those kinda days! there have plenty of times i have wanted to post adoption ads :) hang in there! it will pass! well except the bed peeing part... jack still does it ughhhhh