Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Positive thought...

The crap that I have done and have gone through in my life has become the fertilizer to let me bloom today. That thought popped into my head after my devotional this morning. It helps me to put things in perspective and remember there is a plan to all this. I know I need to put things in perspective in my own life because I let the small things become big when I should focus on the big things and the here and now and those things that I can change for good!

3 Quick Thoughts:

Sarah said...

Thanks for that little message!! It's exactly what I needed to hear today! Have a happy Tuesday! :)

Mommy of three said...

I see you as such a strong, positive person to be around. Life with small children is full of daily challenges, but would you want it any other way? Nope...

ashley said...

nothin like a little crap to make you bloom better! great thought!